Marie Bookman Author & Poet

Breach Of My Heart By Marie Bookman

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While Marie wrote primarily poetry, she also wrote short stories and other genre, but had never published any of her writings until after her community was devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August of 2005. After losing her home and all of her possessions, during the storm, Marie returned to New Orleans to serve as a Magistrate Commissioner, as well as to assess her damages and begin the rebuilding process.

Her new book, “Straight From My Heart,” is much more personal. She gives us a peek at the multidimensional phases of love — love of self, love of family, love of friends, love of community. She also paints word pictures of the metamorphism of love: tough love, healing love, romantic love – Judge Michael G. Bagneris, New Orleans, LA


Your book was so delightful and heartwarming. It tells the real story of Katrina as we saw it. Congratulations again and thanks for letting me share a small part of your fame – Dr. Gerri Elie, Lifelong Resident of New Orleans, LA

Her entire community had been destroyed and there seemed to be no real assistance in sight or understanding of how or even if the city would be re-built. After renting one half of a “shot-gun” double house in the “uptown” area of the City, she faced her City by day and her demons by night! It was during that time that some of her most emotional, raw, pure, explicit and graphic poetry which became “Breach of My Heart.”

signing1.jpgAlthough not written or intended for publication, at that time, after accumulating over 100 poems and viewing numerous photographs of the Ninth Ward and other areas of the city (taken during and immediately after the storm by a close friend), Marie decided to self-publish her work, along with some of the photos which captured and/or complemented the imagery in her poems.

“Breach Of My Heart” has been featured in the New Orleans Times Picayune , the New Orleans Weekly Newspaper and in online publications

When I took time a day or so later, I found myself drawn to read a page or two. I did not stop, could not stop until I had read Breach . . . in its entirety.

Your style of expression is not typical of most poets and that is good. My final thoughts: It was easy. I felt some emotion while reading at times, but never a feeling of hopelessness – Chef Marilyn Doucette, New Orleans, Meals From The Heart, LLC

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